The Aquarius full Sturgeon moon and how we can flow with it and learn about ourselves.

The full moon in Moon in Aquarius on August 1st may make us less interested in hiding the parts of us that we hide to keep the peace or be accepted-Aquarius is the sign of the rebel, but a rebel that wants to create a better world, they shake things up to make things whole! This is happening when the sun is in Leo, a sign that asks us to shine bright and be the main character in our own story, so there is a lot going on here-ultimately this allows us to accept and share our whole selves as we alchemize these qualities.

This full moon was also called the Sturgeon moon by the Algonquin people because this was the time of year they would surface and were easier to catch. Sturgeon are HUGE fish, that live to 150 years, and they are fish that stir up the bottom of the lakes they live in, much like this full moon in Aquarius may be stirring up old things we want to learn about ourselves and release if they are no longer needed. We also have plenty of time to do so-there is no rush. Some of these things we find as we stir up our muddy depths are useful to us too, instead of releasing them, we may release the need to hide them (read that as shame or guilt or even peacemaking with those around us),

Lets also remember how nourishing mud is, as the sturgeon stirs the mud up, that mud nourishes not only itself, but all around it in the lake. And remember the lotus flower that grows from the mud, and it is inceredbily beautiul like you are. So allow your heart o open to see all of you, all the parts, the muddy and the beautiful, the mess and the orgainezed one…and loveingly embrace it all!

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