myths we were told about tarot that are dead wrong!

Common misconceptions aka myths about Tarot:

❤️Tarot tells the future

♠️you must be gifted your first deck

♦️it’s the devils work

♣️you must be psychic to read

🃏you must not let people touch your cards

X the Death card portends actual death of the physical self

Really, it's like this:

❤️we have free will, so Tarot can’t predict the future. What it can do is see your patterns, stories, & subconscious. With this can it give you a good idea of where you are headed based on this trajectory. Will you choose that? Maybe. It can also give you help in deciding what direction to go based on current energy & facts. But you ultimately you direct your life, Tarot helps make the path more clear.

♠️Nope. I bought my first deck when I was 13 & I have bought MANY since. A lot of people collect decks, they are like little works of art in a box! Do they make a great gift for someone yes, especially if your friend wants to read. But it’s most important when you start to find a deck that speaks to you. That feels good to you.

♦️Again. Nope. The cards are more like fancy Rorshack tests than the devils handiwork. Like anything people can use a tool for good or bad, so be choosy with who you chose as a reader. Find someone you connect with and feel good about. But these small pieces of paper are not evil in anyway.

♣️You can have a reader that is psychic or a medium, & I truly think we all have levels of this. We ALL have deep Intuition when we learn to listen and trust it. But anyone who feels called to learn tarot can.

🃏as for people touching your deck, I am in the camp that thinks that’s ok, in fact I welcome people to shuffle and pull their cards. I feel, and was taught, that that is how the clients energy & question gets in the card. I clear the energy between clients, of course.

X The Death card in Tarot symbolizes transformation and new beginnings after the end of a chapter.

Any other myths I can debunk for you? Leave a question below!

I'll just be here destroying all the myths about Tarot 😉