
Yoga & Meditation

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Private classes available

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti!

Yoga and meditation help us develop inner peace and calm. The practice of yoga and meditation help us cope with stress and anxiety, and it's very important to leverage these practices when we are transitioning and experiencing changes in our lives. By practicing yoga and meditation it not only relieves stress and anxiety but it helps keep our minds sharp and our immune systems strong. Yoga is the journey for the self, through the self, to the self.

My yoga journey began when I was in my early 20's living in the Caribbean... I was working at an art show and Rasta Yogi came to show us his stuff and I was instantly hooked! A friend of mine gave me a wonderful book illustrating poses and describing what the yoga life style was, and how it can enhance your life. I began a daily practice, and have continued for the next 30 or so years. My first 200 hour teacher training was 13 years ago at Brahma yoga in Sea Bright NJ, which sadly is no longer there, it helped to deepen my love and understanding of the practice and philosophy of yoga. I did my 500 hour training with One Yoga, now located in Highstown and have taken continuing education at Kripalu, and the Sivananda Ashram in the Bahamas and Fair Haven yoga for my 30 hour prenatal teaching certificate. I have taken classes all over the world — in my travels I always find a studio to visit! I currently teach two permanent classes a week and sub at studios in Lambertville and Flemington, as well as offering private classes to help personalize your understanding and growth in yoga. 

For many years I taught in studios all over Monmouth county, and have enjoyed watching my students blossom and benefit from the practice of yoga and meditation. My personal practice has changed over the years as it should, as we grow and learn — so does our practice and so does our needs.


Your Journey Starts Today!


Yoga in Your Home: $25 Per Person

I offer in home personal yoga classes to help you deepen or start your practice. 

Schedule Your Session Now

or join me on Thursday mornings at 9:30am at Blue Moon Yoga in Shrewsbury NJ