
My journey

I bought my first deck of cards in New Hope as a young teen. They were fascinating, and confusing and a puzzle to unlock. In my 20’s, I met my first teacher at the park, while we were pushing our young kids on the swings. Life brings us teachers when we are ready. This woman grew to be a dear friend, and taught me so much - I still think of her when I read, hear her voice in my head at times telling the stories of the cards, how the layout tells a story if you can follow it. How to find the patterns in the suits and the numbers. I am forever grateful for her influence on my life! And the other teachers and authors who have helped me grow as a reader.

It is my belief that life is a journey that allows us to learn, grow and become more and more at peace with of ourselves. This journey has many layers and transitions. It is my goal to help each of us move with grace through these transitions.

The tarot cards act as a compass on this journey, and encourage us to sit with our thoughts. The images on the card help to stir things and bring them to the surface, and the discussion we have will further this.

I look forward to sharing my love of tarot with you.